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St. Kieran Catholic School
63 Years of Teaching God's Children

Welcome to St. Kieran Catholic School

At. St. Kieran, we have been offering quality Catholic school education since 1960. Our programs include the following:

  • Preschool
  • Full Day Kindergarten
  • First through Eighth Grades

New Families Inquire Here

A Message from Our Principal

Dear St. Kieran Catholic School Families,

Save the Date : June 12
2024–25 Kindergarten Open House 10:30–11:30 a.m.

Welcome to April and our fourth quarter. I want to take a moment and thank you for your dedication and investment in your scholar's Catholic education. You are their first teacher, role model, and spiritual director for life. It is evident in your child's everyday actions and interactions.

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding and challenging roles you (we) will have experienced. Even as our children grow into adults, the care and worry never goes away. In fact, our children need us even more as they mature. Guidance and love are two must-have ingredients!

Our golf tournament and golf ball drop are coming soon. Please be sure you are not missing out! Thank you to our Golf Committee for the Panther Purple Golf Folders. Get your tickets! Don't miss out!

Golf Ball Drop flyerGolf Benefit flyer
Description of 25th Annual Golf Benefit flyer
Description of Golf Ball Drop flyer

Review our St. Kieran Catholic School webpage for important dates and events. Our second graders celebrated the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on April 21 in a beautiful Mass. They have worked so hard in preparing to receive the Eucharist. They received the Euchrist with such reverence, joy, and faith. May 1 is Mary's Crowning and Grandparents' Day! Please join us for our special Mary’s Crowning Mass at 10:30 a.m. Welcome to all our grandparents.

While we are in quarter four, we are also hard at work preparing for our 2024–2025 school year. Our kindergarten class is filling quickly, so I highly encourage you to complete enrollment if you have not already. We will be hosting our kindergarten orientation in May this year.

We also have some exciting projects and programs coming this fall. We will transform our existing technology lab into a STEAM Makerspace for all grade levels to experience and to learn robotics, experience hands-on science labs, engineering projects, and music. Our scholars deserve this incredible opportunity as evidenced in the world we live in today; they must possess critical thinking skills, and we must allow them to "tinker" and to discover.

Students celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion

Additionally, we will have an after-school music program this fall. This will be our first step in a plan to expand our music program within the school day.    

Our basketball cage will be under construction this summer. We will complete phase one this summer. Phase one is to install a new drainage system, to level the concrete, and to prepare it for a multipurpose sports court. We will fundraise to prepare for the next phase. Phase two will be the multipurpose court itself, including volleyball, pickleball, futsal, soccer, and basketball. This will be a massive project. How cool it will be to host home games someday! More info to come.

I want to take a moment to thank our PTG committee, room parents, coaches, Fr. Ben, preschool director, our amazing teachers, and faculty. So much happens behind the scenes for the greatness of our children and community. Much energy, time, and love!

Catholic education is a pillar of evangelization for our communities and our world, forming young men and women holistically as persons: morally, intellectually, athletically, and spiritually. 

Thank you, St. Kieran Catholic School families!!!


Dr. Melody Belcher

Dr. Melody Belcher

7 students in front of a fence sign that reads SKCS