School News
We have dedicated this page to keeping you informed of all things new and noteworthy at St. Kieran Catholic School. While you’re here, be sure to check out our newsletters at the side of the page. Please also visit our Calendar page for important dates to remember for the school year.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week begins on January 26 and goes through February 1.
SKCS is Raising Money for Rady Children’s Hospital
This year as our service project for Catholic Schools Week, our scholars will be raising funds for Rady Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Huddle Up
Huddle up at SKCS Gala on February 1.
Re-registration is coming in January! The registration process is the same as last year.
Logging Service Hours
To log service hours, please use FACTS Family Portal.
Drop Off Reminder
Please remember that there is no stopping to get out of your car in the drop-off line.