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St. Kieran Catholic School
64 Years of Teaching God's Children

Learn About Our History

In 1960, St. Kieran Catholic School opened its doors to its first six grades. Staffed by the sisters of St. Francis of Clinton, Iowa, the new school shared its classrooms with the parish. From the start, the parish and school were intertwined, and that close bond continues today. Fr. Ben Davison, the current pastor, is quick to point out that the faith formation of its children is among the most important ministries of St. Kieran Church.

Our Campus

St. Kieran is a secluded, multi-level campus, tucked away among the trees, in a residential neighborhood of El Cajon California. Our dynamic staff of both lay teachers and religious, some of whom are alumnae of St. Kieran School, educate students in preschool through eighth grade. The sisters teaching and volunteering in the school now are Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament. Besides the current principal, three of the faculty and staff members are former Catholic school principals. Many of the students are children and grandchildren of St. Kieran alumni.

Our Families

Throughout the school’s 63 year history, St. Kieran families have been valued partners in educating the students. Parents, relatives, and parishioners volunteer in the classrooms, teach middle school electives courses, read in the library, serve as art docents, coach sports, organize events and fundraisers, chaperone field trips, and give of their time, talents, and treasure to provide rich learning experiences for the children. The student demographics have changed from a population once made up almost entirely of St. Kieran Parish families to a school that now draws from 16 different parishes who have a strong commitment to working together to raise up children of faith, knowledge, and service that unifies the community.

Rich Traditions

St. Kieran students learn the rich traditions of our faith by participating in daily prayers, student-led weekly masses, stations of the cross during lent, benediction on first Fridays, monthly school wide rosaries, May crowning of Mary, student retreats, sacrament preparation, opportunities for reconciliation, Missionary Childhood Association, service projects, blessing of the animals on St. Francis Day, advent traditions, Christmas program, and special observances on holy days. We encourage our students to be active participants in the practices of our faith and in loving service to others.

Academic Excellence & Deep Catholic Christian Commitment

Blessed with a dedicated pastor, principal, and faculty as well as unwavering support from both the school and parish communities, St. Kieran Catholic School’s collaborative mission of the school continues to guide the administration, faculty, parents, and students as they strive for academic excellence and ever deepening fidelity to their Catholic Christian commitment.